This is a DIY tank. It can fit 20 men. The thing at the top appears to be the machine gun turret. It was the property of a Mexican drug gang, until government forces managed to seize it.

This by way of pointing out how utterly insane the drug violence situation in Mexico has gotten. In America, criminals don't try to top the government in terms of weaponry. They know they can't. But in Mexico, that's become a real option.
they say, "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!"
And let's not forget their kevlar coated submarines.
America is the market for the Mexican drug gangs. Only way to stop them is to stop buying their stuff.
Yep, Charlene. The more radical suggestion is to legalize some of the stuff, so that people whose business model is based in its illegality (criminal gangs) go out of business. What we have now is basically a Prohibition scenario, with plenty of Al Capones running around Mexico.
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