Tuesday, July 14, 2009

House Democrats Have A Health Care Plan!

In recent good news, major House Democrats have unified behind a health care bill! Ezra likes it. Kevin Drum lifted a nifty graphic about how the plan impacts you! which I will post here:

This is a good time to call or write your representative. Sure, the big action is in getting a bill through the Senate. But as Ezra writes, "if the House of Representatives manages to pass this plan with a substantial majority of enthusiastic Democrats -- that significantly strengthens the House's hand in its eventual negotiations with the more fractious Senate." Furthermore, the more it looks like health care reform is cruising forward, the more Senators will feel that they should get on board and take credit rather than getting in the way.


corvus said...

This is weird. Healthcare reform has for so long seemed like something that is just supposed to be out of reached, or beyond your grasp, like the horizon, or Christmas. Sure, we have seemed to be getting closer to it, but it has always been something that would happen "soon," or "tomorrow." It was getting closer, but we have been getting closer to it for so long, I don't quite know what it is like for it to actually get here. And now it is here. It feels wrong somehow.

Also, under-reported. Shouldn't more people be talking about this? I suppose the Sotomayor hearings are eating up all the Village's oxygen, but is it meant to fly under the radar? Why?

Neil Sinhababu said...

To your first paragraph: Yes! and there's this weird hair-raising eschatological feeling I'm getting about this. It's like we're beginning to see the ancient health care prophecies finally begin to be fulfilled. The End Times are nigh...

To your second paragraph: Yes! and I almost wonder if we're going to be able to sneak this one past the Republican base. They're going to spend all week writing "vote against Sotomayor" letters. We're going to spend all week writing "vote for the House plan" letters. It's a wonderful trade. I actually one-quarter believe this.

Janet said...

So I might be able to get that lump checked out soon?

Neil Sinhababu said...

Janet! Don't scare me.