Monday, April 4, 2011

Worth Repeating

What Sir Charles said:
The Republican Party won its 2010 victory in large part because voters over 65 voted against what they perceived, erroneously, to be an attack on Medicare by health care reform. I cannot imagine that this same constituency and those who will follow shortly into it will feel at all good about the idea of abolishing traditional Medicare coverage (even if there are pledges made to "grandfather" as it were existing participants).


Blue said...

I think one of the lessons we can take from SS Privatization is that if you have to start entitlement reform with "but it won't apply to any one in the current generation" then you are already giving away the game that this is a bad thing. And then the rest of the PR battle for the policy change is a defensive action.

Anonymous said...

I think you're presupposing rationality that ain't there.

Nick Beaudrot said...

I assume they have self-preservation instinct.

janinsanfran said...

I'll trust the self-preservation instinct when I see Democratic officeholders calling this thing Ryan's Medicare Phaseout Plan. Or the Republican's gift to insurance companies.

If they call it "reform" or any such weasel words, figure it will go through. Don't we all want reform? And that Mr. Ryan is such a nice man ... He wouldn't really propose to let grandpa die because we couldn't pay the hospital ...