Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Man Who Wants To Be President

John Huntsman is really going to try to run to the left in the Republican primary. That, or he just doesn't care anymore.

You may be surprised to see this sort of behavior coming out of the Republican governor of Utah. To the contrary, the fact that Utah (and Alaska, and Idaho) are one party states mean that lots of people who have fairly moderate views end up being Republicans, in the same way that plenty of people in New York and Massachusetts who have fairly conservative views on certain issues end up being Democrats.


Anonymous said...

the same way that plenty of people in New York and Massachusetts who have fairly conservative views on certain issues end up being Democrats.

You mean those states that have had, collectively, three Republican governors in the last, oh, 15 years or so? Have sent more than 20 different Republicans to Congress just since 1992? Is this the same New York that had at least one Republican senator from 1959 to 1999? And how many Republican mayors has that liberal bastion of New York City elected recently?

But Utah's got a Democratic congressman, so I guess it's all pretty much even. Setting aside, of course, the fact that he's the son of the last Democratic governor that the state elected.


Neil Sinhababu said...

CS, some of that historical data isn't very useful -- it took a long time for some regional realignments to work their way through the system and make New York a reliable Democratic stronghold. The state went for Reagan both times.

Anonymous said...

The only way this strategy makes sense is if Jon Huntsman has documentary evidence that Charlie Crist is gay, or possibly born in Kenya.