Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Speaker Of The House Is Aware Of All Internet Traditions

Wow. Just watch this from Nancy Pelosi:

And yes, that's the official version, not some mash-up by a teenager on LOLlerskates


Punning Pundit said...

I less-than-three Pelosi.

corvus said...

Hey, what's the deal with the less than three thing? This is an internet tradition I am not aware of.

Nick Beaudrot said...

type the two characters next to each other, in that order.

Then tilt your head to the right.

corvus said...


nimh said...

That is too fucking awesome.

dr said...

I'm offended by the fonts.

Nick Beaudrot said...

It's sort of like the furniture in the White House: ugly, yet still everyone thinks it's what you're supposed to use.

Hope said...

Wow! The brown cat looks just like my Oliver.

Amanda Marcotte said...

I can't believe I just got rick rolled by the Speaker of the House.