Monday, December 28, 2009

Peter Orszag, America's Most Eligible Nerd

I really wanted to find a study showing that Peter Orszag is making a mistake in proposing to someone he's been dating for six months. But I can't. There doesn't seem to be much data on the divorce rates for marriages based on the length of relationship prior to marriage engagement. Or, if the data does exist, I can't find it. Anyway I'm sure there's someone at the OMB who tried to answer this very important question.


Ursula said...

Of course, you never know. They might wait, like, five years to get married... which would obviously doom their relationship.

Nick Beaudrot said...

Maybe his plan is to be engaged until he resigns from the OMB ...

Nick Beaudrot said...

And it was four years until the proposal, not five!

Ursula said...

Sir, I am merely commenting on your aversion to long engagements. Maybe if you'd told Mr. Orszag about your sundry and well-reasoned arguments against said, he wouldn't have made this terrible mistake.

Neil Sinhababu said...

I was hoping for more of the cute Nick-Ursula banter, but since that seems to have dried up, I'll just mention that this post gives me hope for the future. I've got serious girl-loneliness going on, but maybe I can just spend 11 years nerding out on philosophy and being as Orszag as I can be, and then resurface into the dating world and find somebody like that.

Ursula said...
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Ursula said...

Neil- I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised at the number of eligible nerds who succeed at life before succeeding at love. I'm also sure there's some lovely young Existentialist out there who just doesn't know of you yet.
(I'm further sure that a thorough read/edit-before-posting of all blog comments should be my resolution for the coming year.)

Nick Beaudrot said...

Also it appears that Mr. Orszag gets around: