Governor David Paterson made Kirsten Gillibrand the Senator from New York, and it looks like she settled in real quick.
The Empire State Pride Agency's Alan Van Capelle:

"After talking to Kirsten Gillibrand, I am very happy to say that New York is poised to have its first U.S. Senator who supports marriage equality for same-sex couples... She also supports the full repeal of the federal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) law, repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) and passage of legislation outlawing discrimination against transgender people. While we had a productive discussion about a whole range of LGBT concerns, I was particularly happy to hear where she stands on these issues.”
Seems like just yesterday that our Kirsten was
voting against repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. I love these stories about the repressed small-town girl who goes to the big city (or in this case starts representing the big city) and gets into all sorts of wild kinky stuff and lives happily ever after.
Fucking Kos and Hamsher.
Still, you can do worse than a cynical hack who swings left. The question is, will she support the EFCA?
Ok, looking around the internets, it seems she does support card check, and has for some time. Not much of a blue dog then. So is she just a gun nut?
"antigay gun nut who supported the Peru trade agreement" was the worst I could put together. And now she's gotten into the hot girl-girl action.
Neil, I love the way you put things.
Well, I was deciding whether to say that or 'deep anal sodomy'. Upstate isn't the South, but it's similar for these purposes and I think my Country Fever is kicking in.
Actually, there is a little more bad stuff.
Yeah, it is a little more bad. But a lot of that stuff just seems to be the results of political cowardice, and are easily cast off. FISA was something lots of people were for, because the country was going to hell in a handbasket and our elected officials were the light fluffy pasties on top. Waffling on Iraq suggests that she really is a completely cynical opportunist, which lends some credence to Kos' analysis. Still, I would have preferred someone with some actual political courage, so that if the chips are down we could count on her. Kennedy, with her name recognition, could have been depended on for some independent thought, but if Gillibrand turns out to be a Democratic dittohead, that's better than her being to the right of Evan Bayh.
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