Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday/Weekend Obama Caption Contest


corvus said...

Newt Gingrich never expected to be the only white man in the Oval Office...

DavidG said...

Worst Blues Brothers tribute band ever.

DavidG said...

1. "Honestly, Newt. We're a little busy. Isn't there some cable news show you could be on right now?"

2. President Obama seriously considers keeping Guantamano open.

DavidG said...

And then Newt woke up. It all had been just a horrible nightmare.

Neil Sinhababu said...

As part of his attempt to rescue the financial system, the President has considered bailing out Intrade speculators who are losing bets that various politicians' approval ratings will be above 8.

Eric the Political Hack said...

"Which is why you should run, Newt. Seriously, it will be like the battle of the titans. You could totally beat me."*

Yeah, I didn't incorporate Sharpton in there at all. I fail, I guess.