Monday, December 1, 2008

Words That Deserve To Be Banned In 2009

Since it's December, we've reached the point in the year where it's acceptable to make end-of-year lists. Watching the introduction of Barack Obama's security team, I observe that potential DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano referred to America as "the Homeland", a word which did not exist in the vernacular prior to 9/11. It really sounds too close to "Fatherland" for my tastes. Let's get rid of it. And while we're at it, how about these as well:

  • "Thrown under the bus", which is what you're supposed to do when someone goes off message.
  • "Body Language", a phrase used by pundits to assess what public figures "really" mean, without any evidence that their conjectures are accurate.

Add your phrases you could do without hearing in the next year to the comments.


Unknown said...

"Team of Rivals" needs to never, ever, be said/used/written again.

Neil Sinhababu said...

I think the LGMfolk got to this first, but "it's like x on steroids" really could use some killing. I am open, however, to variants that replace steroids with a less-mentioned drug. Depressants, perhaps.

"Carly Dawn Kickslaw" said...

"maverick"..."Joe Six Pack"...the list goes on. I truly despised "throw under the bus" and was appalled how all the journalists parroted the phrase constantly.

Daniel said...

Indeed, down with "body language." I don't mind "Homeland" though.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jake, I hope I never - ever - hear "Team of Rivals" again. On a more serious note, if we could drop the phrase "enhanced interrogation techniques," I'd be a very happy camper.

rosie said...

Now that we have a president who can pronounce nuclear, I hope we can avoid using "terror" when we mean terrorist or terrorism. Thank you.

mccn said...

Frankly, I kind of hate "the American people", used as a cudgel for too long by the sadly still current (but not for long) Administration.

Hope said...

Joe Six Pack, "Main Street," Joe the Plumber

Anonymous said...

How about getting rid of "Climate Change" as a correction. I don't mind the phrase itself, but I have my own personal weather front when I use the phrase "Global Warming" and someone "corrects" me.